Saturday, October 25, 2008

No Fear!

I don't know if this is just a boy thing, but Parker seems to have no fears.  He is constantly climbing onto things.  He loves to climb onto my tub and play in the sink.  He usually turns the water on low so it can't be heard.  I came home from work recently to find that his new thing to do when Dad is not paying attention is to actually climb in the sink and play in the water.  He has also started climbing onto our dresser and then sits there with a grin on his face.  Parker also has no fear of water.  He loves taking baths and always reminds us to turn on the jets to make more bubbles.  Besides loving water and climbing, he loves to hide.  We have an empty cupboard in the kitchen that he loves to crawl in and yell "find me, mom."  He definitely keeps me busy and entertained.

Helping Mommy

Parker can be such a BIG help, even when it is not needed.  It's always hard to get any cleaning or cooking done when he is awake.  He always wants to push the vacuum or get a chair and help me at the stove.  Last night he kept insisting on getting a paper towel to help me with the bathrooms.  Here are some pictures of him helping me make dinner.  He went and got my apron on and then started pulling out the pans.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Busy Body

I am sure everyone thinks they have the smartest kid, but I am always amazed at what Parker says and does.  He has developed such a cute little personality.  He definitely keeps me on the run.  He is always getting into something.

A love for Reeses

Parker loves chocolate.  Justin loves Reeses, so any time he was eating one he would give Parker a bit.  Now when he tries to give him a bite, Parker insists on having his own. His dad acts tough, but he can't ever say no so Parker usually gets his own.  His dad also introduced him to chocolate milk.  Now when I return home from work on Fridays, I am just hoping that their meals for the day did not only consist of Reeses and chocolate milk.  It is cute when he asks for them, but I don't give in like his dad.  I guess I will have to be the mean parent.

On the lake

Justin does not work on Fridays, so he gets to play Mr. Mom once a week while I am at work.  My first Friday back to work, he tells me he is taking Parker to the lake.  Needless to say, I was a bit freaked out.  I said plenty of prayers that morning for their safety.  They have since gone a few more times and have returned home safely each time.  

Gimbel update

I know I am the worse blogger ever.  I truly have tried to sit down numerous times to update my blog.  I know it is hard to believe.  I am amazed at all of your creativity.  I will make it a goal to do better.  
It has been a crazy last few months.  In May, we moved in with my parents and started renting out our house.  In August we moved into our new house just before I had to go back to work.  Over the summer I also found out I was pregnant.  It's a girl and I am due in February.  So, between moving, starting work, being a mom and wife, I have been busy- no lie.